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Healing To Know & Flow with the Divine Plan : It's in Our Hands

Rianna Skywalker

We are now on day 10 of the Blue Hand wave that began on Wednesday 21st November. Today is the manifestation point of the wave, Yellow Planetary Warrior. Blue Hand represents doing, achievement, knowing, and healing. In the core kin family with Red Earth, direction, White Wind, spirit, Blue Hand is the transformation process, the emotional realm of action. As we attune to the Mother Earth, and listen to the winds of Great Spirit, we are moved into doing, we know what to do. That is what makes us Yellow Humans. We have these hands, that are meant to be the hands of god/creator consciousness on earth, the tools of the divine in form, to shape this reality, in accordance with the divine plan.

Hamsa - Artist Unknown

Each wave expands the story for each archetype. Blue Hand wave journeys through the key points of Blue Overtone Monkey, the core purpose of the wave. Blue Monkey represents the inner child, essence self. The work here is to HEAL the wounded child, to release the true self, and the magical child. To remember the dream of our soul. The intention point of the Blue Hand wave is Blue Solar Eagle, the visionary, the seer, the 3rd eye, the planetary mind, the All Seeing Eye. And the final point, the end game so to speak of the Blue Hand wave is, Blue Cosmic Storm, yes, that hardly needs describing, you can feel that is a catalytic vortex of change, a huge emotional release that will lead to the next wave, and the culmination of this 45 day creation process, Yellow Sun wave, a shift in consciousness, an awakening.

The Blue waves are the emotional transformative waves that lead towards the Yellow waves of fruition. Red waves are activations, initiating a creation process, White waves are refining, clarifying and organizing. Creation cycles run Red White Blue Yellow, each day we are moving through these harmonics of energies evolving, and each 13 days we are also moving from one color process to another, and in our personal journey we are also having 13 years in a color process. As a planet we are also moving through these harmonic color processes, this year we are completing a Red wave - Red Moon wave began in 2006 and will complete and hand over to the White Wizard wave in July 2019 - the age of the new shamans.

Artist Unknown : Mudra Hands of Creation

Personally, on Friday 23rd which was Red Electric Moon, something started happening to me. A wave of energy was blasting through my heart, I felt quite nauseous and had to lie still, though that did not abate the turbulence. Red is initiation, Electric is activation, and Moon is receptivity, emotions, and is the prelude to the White Dog, heart. I was spontaneously crying a lot, I didn’t have a particular story running, but something was up and processing through me, I watched and allowed, waiting to understand. Years ago in the spring 2013 I had a similar intense Heart Activation, I recognized some of the strange symptoms. At that time I was connecting to the JOY OF LOVE, unconditional love. This time, intense grief. In both, the visceral experience of expansion of the heart, to the point of discomfort. In this process I have come to know that we are being calibrated to feel wider, deeper, more intensely, all of our emotions, expanding this physical vessel to allow that much energy to be received, processed and decoded. We are multidimensional beings, and in this human realm we are in an evolutionary process to awaken this human body technology and take our reality up to the next level of manifestation. Part of that process will be telepathy. Coming into knowing. The journey of knowing others, will obviously begin by knowing ourselves. As I have come to understand it, telepathy is not a mind - thought form - only experience, it is a whole body - multi body - experience mostly in the emotional realm. We will feel each others truth, without the confusion of language, and in that way we will know, each other and the moment. To get there we will need to FEEL IT ALL, and be ok with what is, all of it. The JOY, the GRIEF, the SADNESS, the ECSTASY, the RAGE.

We have to heal ourselves, no one else can do it for us, yes there are facilitators that can hold space, there are guides as to how we can do the work, but ultimately, this is the work to be done. Real work. It’s a process of transformation. Turning lead into gold. Stepping into the Age of the New Shamans, we must be alchemists, diving deep into the work to extract the gold of our being, and allow it to shine, the light home, for us and those who we came to assist.

Lets look deeper at this Blue Hand, emotional transformation process to heal and reveal our true purpose. Day two of the wave is Yellow Lunar Star, the challenge to see the beauty of this process, the work we need to do, to heal, and create in alignment with the divine plan. There is another message in that, we humans are addicted to one aspect of Blue Hand, busy doing and achievement, but driven from unaligned drives, greed, fear, control, power, status etc we are no longer honoring the Natural Laws, we are not living in Natural Time, that would assist us to connect to our Mother Earth, and Daughter Gaia (we are all both children and stewards of the earth, so she is our daughter, shaped by us). Natural Time would also connect us to the cosmic flow, and intelligence. If we remembered that we have a duty to create heaven on earth, in a co creation with Spirit, we might do less and achieve more. Much of what is being done on the planet is totally unnecessary, damaging and destructive, consuming our resources at an alarming rate without reverence for the Natural Process of Rest & Renewal. But can we stop doing long enough to listen, listen to the call of our heart and soul, the soul purpose and thereby honor our contract as Earth Stewards?

Day 3 of the wave, the activation point is Red Electric Moon, we need to feel what we are doing, full open to receive the flow of life that is. Day 3 is also the service point of the wave, serving life and the divine feminine, the divine plan. Open to receive our guidance as to what do to, through the heart. Day 4 of the wave is White Self Existing Dog, stabilizing the heart, the practice of being in the heart, connecting to our true self and soul. It is no accident that the Hands are an extension of the Heart chakra, and as we honor our hearts call, and do what we love, with love only, then all that we do brings healing. When we are restored to our hearts truth, we are able to remember our essence, Blue Overtone Monkey day 5 the core purpose of the wave of Blue Hand. What we came to do, is hidden in our inner child, to reveal it, we must heal all that has separated us from our true self in the journey of being human in a time of confusion. Pure of Heart, we remember the dream of our soul, what we came to do, this leads us to day 6 of the wave, being Yellow Rhythmic Human, balanced humans, the mid point of the wave is the balancing energy, so in all that we do (blue hand) we must balance our humanity. Are we coming from a place of balance, are we doing from addiction to validation, to productivity, to achievement outside of the context of the greater good for all? What is a balanced human? One that can feel, one that remembers it’s spiritual truth, is connected to it’s heart, one that is not impelled to do for the sake of doing or any other reason than from innate wisdom, from equanimity. The balanced human is a Taoist, that knows that existence is doing all there is to do, and that we have a duty to assist that process, not get busy trying to control that process.

We are now on day 10 of the Blue Hand wave that began on Wednesday 21st November. Today is the manifestation point of the wave, Yellow Planetary Warrior. Blue Hand represents doing, achievement, knowing, and healing. In the core kin family with Red Earth, direction, White Wind, spirit, Blue Hand is the transformation process, the emotional realm of action. As we attune to the Mother Earth, and listen to the winds of Great Spirit, we are moved into doing, we know what to do. That is what makes us Yellow Humans. We have these hands, that are meant to be the hands of god on earth, the tools of the divine in form, to shape this reality, in accordance with the divine plan.


Each wave expands the story for each archetype. Blue Hand wave journeys through the key points of Blue Overtone Monkey, the core purpose of the wave. Blue Monkey represents the inner child, essence self. The work here is to HEAL the wounded child, to release the true self, and the magical child. To remember the dream of our soul. The intention point of the Blue Hand wave is Blue Solar Eagle, the visionary, the seer, the 3rd eye, the planetary mind, the All Seeing Eye. And the final point, the end game so to speak of the Blue Hand wave is, Blue Cosmic Storm, yes, that hardly needs describing, you can feel that is a catalytic vortex of change, a huge emotional release that will lead to the next wave, and the culmination of this 45 day creation process, Yellow Sun wave, a shift in consciousness, an awakening.

The Blue waves are the emotional transformative waves that lead towards the Yellow waves of fruition. Red waves are activations, initiating a creation process, White waves are refining, clarifying and organizing. Creation cycles run Red White Blue Yellow, each day we are moving through these harmonics of energies evolving, and each 13 days we are also moving from one color process to another, and in our personal journey we are also having 13 years in a color process. As a planet we are also moving through these harmonic color processes, this year we are completing a Red wave - Red Moon wave began in 2006 and will complete and hand over to the White Wizard wave in July 2019 - the age of the new shamans.

Personally, on Friday 23rd which was Red Electric Moon, something started happening to me. A wave of energy was blasting through my heart, I felt quite nauseous and had to lie still, though that did not abate the turbulence. Red is initiation, Electric is activation, and Moon is receptivity, emotions, and is the prelude to the White Dog, heart. I was spontaneously crying a lot, I didn’t have a particular story running, but something was up and processing through me, I watched and allowed, waiting to understand. Years ago in the spring 2013 I had a similar intense Heart Activation, I recognized some of the strange symptoms. At that time I was connecting to the JOY OF LOVE, unconditional love. This time, intense grief. In both, the visceral experience of expansion of the heart, to the point of discomfort. In this process I have come to know that we are being calibrated to feel wider, deeper, more intensely, all of our emotions, expanding this physical vessel to allow that much energy to be received, processed and decoded. We are multidimensional beings, and in this human realm we are in an evolutionary process to awaken this human body technology and take our reality up to the next level of manifestation. Part of that process will be telepathy. Coming into knowing. The journey of knowing others, will obviously begin by knowing ourselves. As I have come to understand it, telepathy is not a mind - thought form - only experience, it is a whole body - multi body - experience mostly in the emotional realm. We will feel each others truth, without the confusion of language, and in that way we will know, each other and the moment. To get there we will need to FEEL IT ALL, and be ok with what is, all of it. The JOY, the GRIEF, the SADNESS, the ECSTASY, the RAGE.

We have to heal ourselves, no one else can do it for us, yes there are facilitators that can hold space, there are guides as to how we can do the work, but ultimately, this is the work to be done. Real work. It’s a process of transformation. Turning lead into gold. Stepping into the Age of the New Shamans, we must be alchemists, diving deep into the work to extract the gold of our being, and allow it to shine, the light home, for us and those who we came to assist.

Lets look deeper at this Blue Hand, emotional transformation process to heal and reveal our true purpose. Day two of the wave is Yellow Lunar Star, the challenge to see the beauty of this process, the work we need to do, to heal, and create in alignment with the divine plan. There is another message in that, we humans are addicted to one aspect of Blue Hand, busy doing and achievement, but driven from unaligned drives, greed, fear, control, power, status etc we are no longer honoring the Natural Laws, we are not living in Natural Time, that would assist us to connect to our Mother Earth, and Daughter Gaia (we are all both children and stewards of the earth, so she is our daughter, shaped by us). Natural Time would also connect us to the cosmic flow, and intelligence. If we remembered that we have a duty to create heaven on earth, in a co creation with Spirit, we might do less and achieve more. Much of what is being done on the planet is totally unnecessary, damaging and destructive, consuming our resources at an alarming rate without reverence for the Natural Process of Rest & Renewal. But can we stop doing long enough to listen, listen to the call of our heart and soul, the soul purpose and thereby honor our contract as Earth Stewards?

Day 3 of the wave, the activation point is Red Electric Moon, we need to feel what we are doing, full open to receive the flow of life that is. Day 3 is also the service point of the wave, serving life and the divine feminine, the divine plan. Open to receive our guidance as to what do to, through the heart. Day 4 of the wave is White Self Existing Dog, stabilizing the heart, the practice of being in the heart, connecting to our true self and soul. It is no accident that the Hands are an extension of the Heart chakra, and as we honor our hearts call, and do what we love, with love only, then all that we do brings healing. When we are restored to our hearts truth, we are able to remember our essence, Blue Overtone Monkey day 5 the core purpose of the wave of Blue Hand. What we came to do, is hidden in our inner child, to reveal it, we must heal all that has separated us from our true self in the journey of being human in a time of confusion. Pure of Heart, we remember the dream of our soul, what we came to do, this leads us to day 6 of the wave, being Yellow Rhythmic Human, balanced humans, the mid point of the wave is the balancing energy, so in all that we do (blue hand) we must balance our humanity. Are we coming from a place of balance, are we doing from addiction to validation, to productivity, to achievement outside of the context of the greater good for all? What is a balanced human? One that can feel, one that remembers it’s spiritual truth, is connected to it’s heart, one that is not impelled to do for the sake of doing or any other reason than from innate wisdom, from equanimity. The balanced human is a Taoist, that knows that existence is doing all there is to do, and that we have a duty to assist that process, not get busy trying to control that process.

The Tao does nothing, but leaves nothing undone. If the powerful men could observe it, all creations would be transformed by themselves.

Lao Tzu Tao Te Cheng quotes (37)

When we are in balance, in self knowing and healed - which is an ongoing process, in layers but is increasingly being activated by these cosmic waves, evolutionary currents that are bathing our field - we drop our fear driven agendas to do anything outside of the Divine Plan. We attune with the Divine Plan, Red Resonant Skywalker, our will is Thy Will, as we remember we chose to be part of this creation process, and all the parts of our lives, good bad and ugly are all necessary evolutionary processes for the greater good of the ultimate plan. We accept that we are charged with Divine Orders, and integrate that into our self mastery, as White Galactic Wizards, we marry our balanced human powers of energetic influence with our cosmic intelligence, seeing the bigger picture intention with Blue Solar Eagle, we step into a full power and purpose as Yellow Planetary Warriors. We now have the intelligence, earthly, human and cosmic, to know, without a doubt, the divine plan and our part in it. What we came to do. The journey of getting to here, requires that we seek to know ourselves, invariably that process is often initiated through the desire to heal something, perhaps physical, but ultimately it’s all energy, and we are either aligned and allowing it to flow as intended, or somehow out of alignment and working against ourselves, getting further and further from the truth of our souls, and our true purpose.

When we embrace our true power and purpose as Yellow Warriors, guardians of this earth ship, we Liberate Gaia, Red Spectral Earth, doing no more and no less than is needed to allow the natural flow of life to intelligently proceed as intended by our higher dimensional consciousness. This aligns us with Higher Truth, the Divine Order that we are a part of, and as we slip into our Right Place, our Right Path, Right Being and Right Doing, the Blue Cosmic Storm, the energy of existence can flow through our bodies, our minds, our hearts, our reality, our earth, and regenerate, reset, and rejuvenate all.

Buddha Hand

ONLY LOVE, lights the way.

Blue Hand wave has a message for you, especially if your birthday lands in this wave, but for all of us it can help us to know, and do, what we came to do. The Mayan Dreamspell archetypal cosmology is a gift to humanity’s awakening, as we learn to embody our blueprints, we evolve to the enlightened beings of the Sixth Sun. We left clues for our self realisation in various maps, the path of self knowing involves seeking to understand those maps, and using them to maximize our potential, transform our lead into gold, and complete our mission within the whole tapestry of existence. There is only one you for all time, there is purpose and meaning to you. Seek and you shall find. The answers are within. Once we have those keys, we can unlock the kingdom of heaven within, and without.

In service to the awakening of the Wizards of Transformation in the coming Age of the New Shamans,

In La'kesh

R I A N N A Skywalker

Astro Intuitive Soul Orientation Readings

& Mentoring

My readings provide you with the map back to your soul’s truth, activating your self realisation. I work with you identifying the keys to your healing and awakening, self fulfillment and place in the world, your moment to shine. Online Mentoring Programs and Personalized Retreats in Sedona, Arizona, USA, incorporating transformational shamanic breathwork to bring this knowing into the body, initiating your journey. I connect you to a global team of teachers, healers, facilitators and therapists, to continue the work of becoming your true self.

It’s my soul purpose to guide you so we can all step into self mastery and create heaven on earth as intended.

I am the Sage of the Age of the New Shamans; Signal kin - Red Cosmic Skywalker precedes White Magnetic Wizard in the creation story of the calendar, I am the cosmic connector, keeper of the records that knows the magical gifts you came to bring and embody, a beacon to light your way.

Now is the time. Re-member.

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