Red Cosmic Moon : Kin 169 Day 169 of 260 day Lunar Calendar of Natural Time : Aligning with Divine Timing : the last day of the first wave of the 4th castle : Yellow Castle of Giving : Harvest Time

We have reached the last day of this first wave of the Yellow Castle, we have journeyed in the Red Earth wave, to orientate with Mother Nature, to thereby reconnect with Divine Mother, and have an activation of the life force so we can resume to flow with it, not against it. Today’s glyph is Red Cosmic Moon, Red Moon is the waters of life. Red Moon is the Divine Feminine which is the energy of the Divine Mother. Red Moon is the hidden power of Humanity. What does that mean? Red Moon is our sensitivity, our vulnerability, to feeling, being open and receptive to, life. In our openness and receptivity to life we are gifted the experience of Grace Unfolding in the State of Flow, the FlowState we all know is the zone where we are one with All That Is. We are one with the LOVE that is All That Is.
Red Moon, our fluid feelings, and the alchemy of them, is our hidden power. We came to feel, and through feeling, to know, and through knowing remember and navigate our obstacles called life, with a divine connection to the higher truth of who we are, why we are. Without feeling freely, we are cut off from our higher guidance, and we become distorted and unreceptive. We filter out reality, with our mental programming - aka mind control. Red Moon is the key to LOVE, it precedes the archetype of White Dog, representing love, the heart chakra, loyalty and heart consciousness. White Cosmic Dog is the center of the calendar, it is the core - cour of it all. We have lived in an overly yang world and Red Moon represents the yin, the reset we need to come back into balance with life, and to return home to the heart of the matter/Mother. When we reach this place, we navigate onwards on our journey, wherever our hearts desire we can go.
Are you able to feel it all? Are you overwhelmed by feeling? What are the women/ feminine messages that are around you now? And your relationship to them, the messages? How close to the Divine Feminine do you feel, what thoughts and projections have you about it that might mitigate or distort your experience of it? We need to clear the field of all the repressed and suppressed emotions, as they are clogging our ability to receive love, receive divine loving guidance as well as to receive ourselves, and each other.
“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.”
― Rumi
Love is the key to receptivity and receptivity is the key to love. What will it take to open you up to your feelings, to journey through them all to the center of your heart? We came here to know our heart, our soul, and yet we created a life that doesn’t emphasize this, in fact disowns that we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
This wave has been about grounding in the earth, connecting with Mother Earth and Divine Mother, the mother/matter matrix, reactivating the codes within Gaia and ourselves to facilitate the grounding of heaven on earth, through us, through the Divine Feminine in us, all, men and women alike. We are conduits of energy, spirit, and all is One. We are all Gaia, individuated, our reunification will be the tipping point that allows her to evolve, vibrationally upgrade as she prepares to travel through a new area of the cosmos. She has to rebirth herself in order for us to be reborn, and we have to give her space - from our mental confusion and all our busyness and doing - to get into her FlowState zone, and flow into for us, the unknown but for her, her hearts desire, which is our hearts desire. Thy Will is My Will. My Will Be Done. And so it is.
We are at that moment now, you feel it, I KNOW YOU DO. So be brave dear hearts, whatever is in your hologram now, just receive it. Receive it and feel it, and as you feel it you will know it, knowing it you will put it in it’s right place, and by and by you will clear it all, and each piece will bring more peace. And you will see piece by piece your reality shift into ONLY LOVE. You will see how everything is Divinely Ordered, and you will see the love in that creation. And LOVE, love will light the way.
Wow, it’s been quite a ride this wave, I have seen many different timelines for Gaia, and had to process my reactions to these, and keep expanding to higher and higher dimensional perspectives to see it as love, to see the truth of it. This is the work, we are transmuting so much right now, to empty our cup, so our cup can runneth over. The waters are breaking now on the birth of New Earth. All the heavenly waters to wash the past away, not by spiritual bypass and avoidance but by fully embracing and dissolving the separation between it all. We are life itself, and life is evolving now.
with LOVE.
In Lak’ech
Rianna Skywalker Kin 13
Red Cosmic Skywalker
guide of the today’s Red Cosmic Moon.