On the 26th July 2024 we will enter into the 6th year of a cycle that began in 2019, and for the first time since that Galactic Year 2019/2020 we will return to the wave of the times we are in. As such, given what we all remember, this Galactic year promises to be dramatically changing our sense of reality just as it did in 2020.
Are you ready for the storm?Â

The Galactic Year is when Sirius, our binary sun, our spiritual sun, rises with the sun on the eastern horizon. The Terrestrial Year - Jan 1st - is when Sirius is at it's zenith in the skies, aka midday, exactly opposite the Sun at midnight. Sirius is also known as the Dog Star, and perhaps provides a portal to heart consciousness. These Mayan codices have recorded cycles of time that are incomprehensible for us to comtemplate. They mysteriously left this realm, and have left us these codes so we too may awaken from the Dream of Forgetfullness and recover our creator consciousness and Free Will to direct the timelines of our lives.
This month, in 10 days, we will enter the year of Blue Rhythmic Storm Kin 19, the 6 day and point on the wave of White Wizard. It is the tipping point of the wave. A wave is a cycle of 13 days, or 13 years or greater cycles of time. In the summer of 2019 we entered a new generational wave of 13 years, the second chapter in a 52 year cycle that began in 2006. White Wizard is the wave of wisdom, self mastery, becoming masters of manifestation. Wizard just means wisdom. The White aspect is relating to the air element, and spirit. So this is a time of awakening Spiritual Intelligence. We have had the IQ stage of evolution, then the EQ emotional intelligence stage, and now we are in the SQ spiritual intelligence stage of our humanity's journey.Â
This will be the first year since we began this chapter that we are again in the White Wizard wave. As such I expect this to be another massive shift in the awakening process for humanity. In reclaiming the spiritual wisdom of our soul we are having to face the Dark Wizard control systems that have taken hold of our reality whilst we were asleep at the wheel and not spiritually mature enough to realize what the hell was going on.Â
The key to this coming year will be balance. Finding a way to stay centered in the storm. Finding a way to center the storm within, so we can see clearly the wisdom of the moment. Blue Storm represents energy, the regenerative force, the catalyst of change, the breaking down of constructs in order to recycle them into new constructs. Energy follows thought, and so, the supporting archetype of Blue Storm is Yellow Sun, consciousness. We will be called into energy mastery like never before. We will be called to become more balanced in our thinking, to resist the duality mindset that causes inbalance, against all the apparent mechanations of a world system that is desperately trying to extract our energy to facilitate it's hidden agendas.Â
It's a big wake up call for us to realize the hidden systems that run our reality and how we are playing into them. Self Mastery is coming to know the power of who we are, and remember why we are here, what we came to do, and how the reality is designed to trick us, to distract us away from that knowing. Once we see it, we begin to be free of it. And just as 2020 was impossible to avoid seeing something different about our reality, now we are going to go to the next level of seeing our reality and ourselves.Â
We will be reviewing aspects of these years in the coming year, and allowing everything to get broken down and recharged. We have been in this process of Awakening the Wisdom of Great Spirit for 5 years now, and about to enter the 6th year. Concurrently to this Age of Wisdom, we have been in the Age of Truth aka the White Mirror years 2017 -2030. The truth that will set us free, allows us to recover our wisdom.
The journey of White Wizard is to face the truth, to challenge our perceptions so we see deeper into the truth of reality, deeper into the dreamfield, into the darkness so we no longer fear it, but actually alchemize it. Turn the lead into gold. If we cannot see it, we cannot work with it. If we are blind to the truth, we will be victims of The People of the Lie. These are the Dark Wizards, they have had knowledge but have not been aligned with heart consciousness, not aligned with Great Spirit, and lost their way by the corrupting force of power. In attaining the secrets of creation as a doctrine, some have manipulated the many to do their bidding. They know that energy follows thought, so they have polluted the thoughtfield with lies. Lies that disconnect us from the truth of who we are, where we are in time, where we are in the cosmology of life. In just about everyway possible their stories have inverted reality, and in believing them, we are lost in time and space, lost from our lands, nature, natural time, our true nature, spirit and therefore truth and love.
But there is nothing to fear, but fear itself.Â
Fear is a major manipulating force that is used to reinforce eons of time of trauma that keeps humanity struggling to survive against the odds, against a random cruel dog eat dog world, against time. What would life be like if we were not in perpetual fear?Â
One of the major fears we have as a collective is the fear of change. And yet our innate knowing is that we need change, and that change is the movement of life. Great change is coming, the storm of change is about to catalyze into action. We will also have the progression of Pluto into Aquarius in November, not to return to Capricorn in our life times, for another 247 years. A major change in the power matrix, a changing of the guards so to speak. The archetype of Blue Storm is akin to the energy of Uranus, the revolutionary force of freedom, and Pluto in Aquarius is all about freedom. Freedom from the shadows, freedom from restriction, freedom to move forward towards utopian ideals.Â
This storm may well shake up all that needs to be regenerated in terms of being able to step into the power of being so free. Can we accept the response-ability of such freedom? Do we still need to give our power away to those who pretend to be acting in our best interests and the best interests of life, the earth, humanity and our evolution?
Nina Simone famously said that for her Freedom meant no Fear.Â
What would you do if you didn't have any fear? Incarnate on earth for a wild ride being human? Clearly at the level of spirit - and we are first and foremostly spiritual beings having a human experience remember! - we are fearless. What could we possibly fear in the space of remembering our Oneness with All of Creation?
We live in amazing times, though we are witnessing the chaos that the Dark Wizards have set into motion, as they have done before, we are also more aware than ever before. We live in the times of quantum physics, we have the 'science' confirming what the ancient spiritual technologies have always said. We are more than we have been told or believe ourselves to be. This material reality is an illusion. Everything is energy, pulsing into and out of form, guided by our consciousness. The Sun consciousness collapses the waveform of infinite potentiality into a creation. We are the conscious cocreators of our reality. Only we have not known this, we have not understood the mechanics of it. The knowledge has been obscured, been tainted and subverted, more and more and more. But the hubris of the Dark Wizards is laughable, the life force, the creative power of love, the light will always win. The truth will always be revealed. And in the light of truth, everything has to be regenerated. White Mirror is the 18th archetype preceding Blue Storm the 19th archetype. Truth literally sets us free. Free to change and evolve, to move towards the dream. The dream of heaven on earth.Â
Once we accept that everything is energy, and that energy naturally wants to flow. That it is eternal and regenerating, we can dissolve our fear of death, fear of lack, fear of being separate. So many fears that keep us disconnected from our power. What is our true power? The journey of White Wizard ends on White Cosmic Worldbridger, being multidimensional beings, unlimited, free to move through the portals between realms and timelines. We are about to enter the mid point of that journey, the tipping point in this awakening. We will each experience this storm catalyst in our own way. What needs to change, will be triggered. The path of Self Mastery is taking part in that process consciously. Seeing the cosmic potential of the moment, what is written in the stars, and applying it to extract the greatest outcome possible. Everything is happening FOR us not to us, and when we are spiritually intelligent enough to see that, then we can really step up and play our parts in being the change we wish to see.
On January 1st 2024 we went into the 8th year of the White Mirror Age of Truth, and are journeying in the wave of White Worldbridger opening portals to the multidimensional with the archetype of Red Galactic Skywalke, integrating our cosmic connections. Coming home to the divine thread within that connects us to our higher selves and our spiritual wisdom. These influences will become more key in the beginning of this Galactic Year 2024. Worldbridger asking us to die to the limitations, to expand our perceptions beyond this illusory world. And Skywalker asking us to integrate the body temple, the sacred practices that connect us to the bigger picture of who we are, and what this reality is.Â
On January 1st 2025 we will enter into the 9th year of the Age of Truth, and be journeying with the White Solar Mirror in the wave of White Dog, representing love. That energy will be also helping us to turn a corner, to begin the upwards swing of the wave. With our intention on truth, we are aligned with love. These then will be steering the Storm of change of this Galactic Year throughout 2025.
How do we prepare for the storm? Enquire into your fears of change, your desire for change, come to a balance point where you can accept the inevitable movement of change that is coming. Accept it with the wisdom of love, with the intention to be aligned with the truth that is rising up to elevate us out of the delusions and confusions that have led to eons of time of suffering.Â
Become more aware of your mind, your thoughts, and how the external reality influences it. Reclaim self mastery over your mind, your thoughts. Your beliefs. Feel your feelings, allow them to purify, free from stories that contract them into emotional blockages. Let them regenerate so you can be free to feel the truth of the moment as it is now, rather than being stuck in the unresolved feelings of the past projecting the same stories onto the present and the future. Embrace the changes, feel them move you and allow that to show you what needs to be moved in your mind/consciousness and in your energy, your body and emotions. The storm of change can be triggering, but the frequency of balance is providing an anchor for us to allow the trigger to release what unbalances us, keeps us from our souls wisdom and from our creative power to influence our reality.Â
Look deeper into all that arises, seek the energetic signature, not the surface story but feel into reality more. Notice does this Dark Magic Play illicit fear, don't be a victim of the fear porn that will inevitably be amping up even more than it already has. Of course until we have self mastery over our fears, reality will be playing on them. They don't call this Earth School for nothing! But remember earth is heart in essence, so the real key to unlocking ourselves from the Archonic Matrix is to come home to our hearts, to drop out of the mind control, the imposed and the self imposed versions. Love is the light that lights the way!
In part 2 I will take us through each glyph in the White Wizard wave and the corresponding months and other astrological aspects that will play into this epic moment in time.Â
If you want to know how this Galactic Year will affect you personally, I am available for Deep Dive Readings that reveal your Mayan codes as well as other modalities. These readings are foundations for a Self Mastery Mentoring journey where I guide you through the storm back to the heart of your soul. Retreats in the Red Rocks of Sedona's Vortex energies are part of that journey, these are personalize for you and are transformational experiences that reconnect you to the magic of you!
In lak'ech a la kin
Kin 13