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Innerstanding The Great Storm : 2024/2025 Tipping Point to a New Paradigm Consciousness

Rianna Skywalker

Today, the 15th Aug 2024 we close out the 3rd wave of this Tzolkin spin, in the first Castle of Turning.  It is Blue Cosmic Storm.  We are in the Galactic Year of Blue Rhythmic Storm, and we are in the midst of an intense solar storm. 

Quintessence of a Day’s Dream by Marlene Seven Bremner

The Sun has been in close connection with Sirius, our spiritual sun, since the Mayan New Year on the 26th July, which is chosen for this moment of helical conjunction at the eastern horizon, at dawn.  On Monday 12th the Sirius alignment shifted and that powerful portal of receiving new spiritual codes closed, but the solar flares are bringing them in still. And will be through the Yellow Sun wave we will enter tomorrow, that will close out this first castle (52 day cycle) that held this New Year 2024/2025. 

Let's talk about the relationship between The Storm & The Sun. Kin 19 and 20, the last two archetypes in the creation energies.  Kin 19, the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.  We come from energy and we return to energy.  The Sun glyph holds both the Zero and the 20.  Before creation, consciousness and the goal of creation, awakening as consciousness. 

The Storm is the glyph of alchemy.  It sits between the Sun on it's right, the supporting energy, and the Moon on it's left, it's challenge energy.  Fire and Water, Yin and Yang, Masculine and Feminine.  It's hidden power, Wind, the breath of life, Great Spirit, guiding the regeneration, the flow into and out of creation.  We come in on a breath and we leave on a breath.  And whilst we are here we are riding the storm of alchemizing life's polarities, the paradox of being in the realm of form. 

The Storm is the Alchemist Cauldron, where the polarities merge, opposite forces come together to elicit a spark of life/light/inspiration.  Aha! The Mayan word for the glyph of the Sun is Ahau... there are no coincidences in the holographic reality. 

So we enter the storm to awaken, we stir the pot to illuminate the aha's that will take us on pathways of evolution, rather than spinning our wheels in diminishing returns or worse, devolving.  Life is a movement.  Just like the waves of the ocean, we have stillness, turbulence, crescendos, peaks and valleys, ebb and flow.

How do we find the center of the storm that is us, in the storm that is our lives, in this time of our collective storm story? Breathe.  And witness the intelligence at play, how the pieces are moved around, what is dissolved and released, what is fortified and strengthened.  As we witness we are awakening to the perspective of Source Consciousness, seeing through the All Seeing Eye of the heart, a love story played out in creation.  Returning us to the shore. Home. Where the Heart is.

We have been journeying in the wave of Blue Hand, the 3rd wave in the first castle, which is the hidden power wave of White Wizard, the wave of this Mayan Galactic Year, and the generational wave we are in since 2019 through to 2032.  Blue Hand represents knowledge, the embodied knowing that leads to the wisdom of the Wizard being able to do less, and achieve more.  Blue Hand represents healing, which means wholeness.  As we know, we become whole.  In our not knowing and seeking, we don't feel this wholeness and we seek the healing that will make us whole again.  Blue Hand is the ally of Yellow Human, it is our gift in our embodied form 'to do', and as such represents achievement.  It is also therefore the shadow of Yellow Human, one that is reflected in our reality today, as we have become fixated on our busy doings rather than our beingness.  Being one with Spirit, our true nature, and with Nature, Mother Earth. 

These are the archetypes of the Core Kin, that speaks to us all as a humanity.  We are spiritual beings having a human experience, but lost in our busy doings and disconnected from nature we have created a reality that doesn't serve humanity or the earth, our mother, our home, the center of creation. 

If we breathed a little more, if we stopped doing so much just for the sake of doing, if we could be present, be on time with nature, synchronized with Natural Time.  We could be the magical manifestors of Heaven on Earth aka New Earth by facilitating creation, doing less and achieving more, so much more.  If we were less identified with 'what we do' as a statement of our worth, and more open to being a vessel for the alchemy of spirits presence moment to moment, we would achieve the miraculous.

In this tipping point year of The Great Storm, we are called into balance.  Balancing the inner storm, to balance the outer storm.  To realize the opportunity that the storm brings, to step into self mastery, to surrender to the regeneration that precedes a new consciousness.  A storm in the heavens is stirring a storm in our hearts, for a change.  A quantum change.  This wave of Blue Hand has taken us to the Blue Cosmic Storm, and reveals the journey of how we embody the knowing of what to do or not to do to facilitate the regeneration of the energies that will bring us to a higher aha moment, from which we birth new timelines.  Blue Storm is breaking down the old so a new form can take shape.  The key points on the journey were Blue Monkey, healing the inner child, freeing the magical child that holds the knowing of the soul.  To intend the vision of the soul to steer the storm of change.  Yesterday's glyph was White Crystal Mirror, cooperating with and devoting ourselves to higher truth, a higher order of creation.  Without the embodied knowing, how can we possibly crystallize a truth from which to create? As we heal, become whole, we are able to hold the knowingness that comes from the soul, that allows the alchemy of change to do what it wills to bring about the evolution. The awakening. 

The guide of the day is Blue Night, the dreamfield of pure potentiality.  The Blue Cosmic Storm is collapsing the creations back to their waveforms, returning to the sea of possibility.  And as we allow that to happen, with our healed Blue Hand aspect able to be in the power of non doing, a new light of awareness can be born.  Nature shows us the need for winter and the Dreamtime, a pause in doing that allows new life to spring forth abundantly. 

The Dark Night of the Soul is the place where the greatest healing happens as we enter the storm and allow ourselves to be regenerated by spirit. This is not what we are facing now, it is not so much a submission to but a mastery of the Storm that is being invited.  We are in the Age of Wisdom, we are reclaiming our soul wisdom, to be energy masters, to be conscious co-creators, to integrate the divine mother dream and ground in mother earths practices that align us with her truth.  It's a tipping point of energies that we can respond to consciously or unconsciously.  And in doing so we will remember one way or another, the power of our free will. 

The ultimate resource in this reality. 

One that has been co-opted by those with some knowledge that they deliberately keep secret in order to leverage on our forgetfulness.  We are free to do, and be, very busy and disconnected from the higher truth, if we choose.  But are we choosing that or submitting to that? The truth sets us free into the storm of change.  And so we must come into a knowing of truth, for ourselves, by reconnecting with our soul, our spiritual essence and the quantum reality that is our true nature.  From there we can truly exercise our free will.  Invariably on that journey we become more and more aligned to Thy Will is My Will. The multidimensional higher aspects that are not in forgetfulness and duality, see clearly through our confusion.  This is why self knowledge is the pinnacle of all knowledge.  As we seek the light within, we are en-lightened - able to light the way of love on this earth walk journey. 

This is the tipping point.  Will we be subject to the Dark Wizard storms that seek to alchemize us into states of fear and separation, taking us further away from truth. Or will we leverage the storm within to light the way towards truth.  Towards unity in the heart of creation, peace within that reflects & projects into the dreamfield as the timeline of New Earth. 

We are the ones. 

We are one. Appearing as many. The fearful separation takes us on a trajectory of duality, expanding the timelines.  Dispersing the life force.  When the light of love sets us free from fear, we are able to anchor in the unified field, collapsing the duality timelines into one coherent New Earth trajectory. 

This event horizon is what we are fast approaching the zero point to.  From here we create embodied explorations in love & harmony. Together as one heart, one with the earth, creating heaven on earth, as was the original dream of our soul, the dream of the Mother.

In lak'ech a la kin


Kin 13


Discover the Mayan codes for your soul's trajectory in The Great Storm's Tipping Point; deeply dive into your blueprints, and hone in on where you are now & what you can do to step into self mastery - to be the change agent to alchemize your highest self and highest timeline for all.  Book a reading, and come on a self mastery mentoring journey.  I'll be your cosmic wayshower guide, lighting the way home to your inner wisdom. 


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