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Opening to the Ascension Waves : Prepare to be Enchanted & Awakened Creators of a New Earth Rising

Rianna Skywalker

We are on Day 1 of a new wave, and a new castle.  Landing on Imbolc, the heralding of the returning light & the fire of the spring.  This 52 day cycle of 4 waves is the last in this Tzolkin spin that began July 8th 2024.  The Tzolkin is a sacred calendar of 260 days that is a cipher for humanity to align with Divine Timing, Natures Time & Cosmic Time.

Brigid by Wendy Andrews
Brigid by Wendy Andrews

The 260 day creation cycle perfectly relates to a human gestation.  Imbedded in its time matrix is our DNA holon.  It takes us through all 260 ‘day keepers’, the archetypes of the day.  There are 20 archetypal energies expressed through 13 tones/ frequencies.  Moving through elemental waves, harmonics that reveal the essence of creation.  By following the calendar we slip through the veil of illusion that is our ‘hu-man made’ construct that is divorced from nature, natural time and the cosmic truth of who we are as eternal beings.  Spiritual beings having a human experience, desperately trying to remember who we are, why we are and what on earth is going on!

The 260 day calendar is broken down into 5 Castles, 5 x 52.  Each castle connected to an element, direction and theme.  This last castle is the Green Castle of Enchantment, with the direction of transcendance, moving from one dimension to another.  Ascending.  The Green Castle is the center piece of the journey.  Coming home to the heart of creation.  The waves take us on a journey from the Red Moon to the Yellow Sun.  From the waters of life back to consciousness.  To the event horizon of a new creation cycle.  And at some point, a whole new reality outside of time - as we know it.  In the multidimensional truth of who we are, time is merely a medium for us to express.  In this dimension, the invitation is that time is art, and that we are awakening as the artists of our lives.

Today, with the Imbolc we enter into the Red Moon wave, a journey of purification, of emptying out the vessel, our cup, so it can receive.  Receive the new light, the awakening light of a new consciousness. We are called into the divine feminine practices of purification, sacred space, and grounding in our bodies, and the earth.  Bringing us back to the Source of waters of life, Divine Mother.  We empty out, and flow back to life’s original pulse.  Traditionally Imbolc was also known as the ‘purification of the farmers’.  We are always in the Aquarius season with Imbolc, and this year we have Sun, Pluto, Mercury and Ceres, the asteroid that is the soul of the earth, all in Aquarius.  Aquarius the water bearer, carrying the waters of life, to flow free from the vessel, emptying out, to return to the spiritual sea of Pisces, where Saturn, the Moon, Neptune, Venus and the North Node are immersing themselves before a huge wave of rebirth will flow.

Red Moon represents water, Universal Water, the waters of life, the divine feminine, yin, flow, opening, sensitivity, feeling.  It is the quality that underpins our humanity, however in our current distorted overly yang reality, we have been imbalanced in our yin and yang.  We have numbed out our sensitivity in an overwhelming world of noise.  We have stuffed down our feelings, afraid to feel them, fearing the feminine as a dark force.  The separation between the yin and the yang in the human psyche is evident in our totally disconnected, unsustainable behaviors.  And reflected in our polluted waters on earth.  Red Moon is the medium of life, and brings us to be reborn in alignment with Mother Creator, as an embodied emissary of the Divine.

Red denotes the fire element, the initiation and activation process of the sequence.  It speaks to the primal, physical, the embodied spiritual energy.  We are invited to return to the purity of the waters of life, align our receptivity to the divine, to honor the body temple, and the earth temple, that has been birthed for us to bring heaven to earth. We are the ones, and now is the time. After the deepest darkness, an inner flame is ignited to bring us back to life, renewed. Brigid holds the flame, light a candle to invoke this energy for your own awakening journey, realizing what wants to be birthed through you in the coming creation cycle that begins on 25th March 2025.

This wave leads us to the White Wind wave, to commune with Great Spirit.  The more we empty out, purify and align with these archetypal energies in all their forms and manifestations in the Red Moon, the more our cup can be filled with the wisdom of love that Spirit wishes to bring to us for our own transcendence, our awakening and our ascension. Moving through to the higher realms of existence, to the realm of the Sixth Sun, the heart centered consciousness of remembering the Beautiful Truth and living it.

In lak’ech a la kin

Rianna ✨

Kin 13

Cosmic Oracle

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