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The Age of Wisdom 2019-2032 : Blue Rhythmic Storm Year 2024/2025 : Pt 2

Rianna Skywalker

Well here we are, the first day of the wave of White Wizard, and on Friday 26th July with the heliacal rising of Sirius we will enter into the 6th day and the 6th year of this Generational Wave. Waves of time carrying us through evolutionary cycles, as we ascend and descend. This Mayan cosmology provides a different lens to observe and recognize the patterns playing out in our reality, and a chance to see the Divine Plan that's always holding the underlying or more aptly the overarching script, should we ever lose sight of it and get lost in the maze of the modern worlds illusions.

Remembering the Unified Field of All That Is : Art by Artformindlab

Where to begin, if you have been reading my astro-intuitive downlands since I began publicly writing in 2012, then you have some inkling as to this 'beautiful plan' that's just beyond the veil of our distracted forgetfullness. If you are new, I'll provide a little framework to understand where these insights, mystical knowings and prophecies are coming from.

This system of divination comes from the Tzolkin, a 260 day lunar calendar from the ancient Mayans in Central America. The Mayans were masterful keepers of time, they were keen celestial observers, and they, like other ancient cultures, knew about the The Greater Cycles, Procession of the Equinoxes, 26,000 years of the movement of time and it's influence on humanity and reality. They 'apparently' disappeared, but those of us who have worked with the numerous calendars they left for us, know that they simply cracked the code to get out of the 'matrix'. They ascended to another dimension of reality. Shifted timelines. They, like the Taoists, were deeply aware of the subtle energies that move through life, this beautiful earth plane and the patterns of these energies as they danced through time, and space. They named these creation energies as glyphs, representing archetypes. And the identified a harmonic of frequencies that intersect with these archetypes creating a rhythm for life.

20 glyphs and 13 frequencies. This 13:20 harmonic extrapolates into the 260 day Sacred Calendar Count called the Tzolkin. 260 days correlates with the length of a human gestation and agricultural cycles. Therefore I refer to this as a creation cycle. Throughout this infinitely complex and yet profoundly simple cosmology we find perfect geometry & mathematical correlations. Everything flows beautifully. After engaging with the system we are able to clearly see, and feel, the mantra of the Dreamspell. "Time is Art". Once that awareness is awakened, we step into the self mastery journey of becoming Artists of our Lives.

So where are we now in time? Well by our linear Gregorian calendar, utterly divorced from nature, and as such, divorced from spirit, from truth, from love. And thoroughly lost in time and space. The Tzolkin synchronizes us back into natural time, and then the gifts of the present moment become available to us. By and by, we remember who we are, why we are, and how to access the magic - aka wisdom - to influence creation as it flows through us.

In the summer of 2019 we entered the second wave of a 52 year cycle, and began a journey in awakening spiritual intelligence. The White Wizard wave. White denotes the air element of spirit, the quality of refinement, clarification. Wizard is the archetypal energy of wisdom, the wise, the shaman and magi, the keepers of the knowledge of heaven and earth. It is the 14th archetype in the evolutionary journey of archetypal energies in this Tzolkin creation story. Yellow Human is the 12th archetype, a nod to the ubiquitous correlation with the number 12 and humanity. Red Skywalker is the 13th archetype and my own archetype. In fact, I just so happen to be Kin 13, the bridge to this wave of White Wizard. The Sage to the Age of Wisdom.

The brief story of these 3 archetypes is that as Humanity moves towards it's Divine Nature, to reconnect to it's cosmic story, to reach towards the stars in the heavens beyond the mundane world, we allow the mystery of the unknown to reveal these covert blueprints of the Great Architect. As we reconnect the dots of what's really going on, who we really are, we step into the 14th archetype, White Wizard. We now have wisdom, and knowledge is power.

This is where we are in our evolutionary process as a humanity, as guardian gardeners of earth. Reaching beyond the world we have come to think of as real, piercing beyond the veil of forgetfulness and remembering. Putting the pieces of the puzzle of life back together, in a new way, with our reclaimed wisdom.

The journey of White Wizard is punctuated by the theme of the wave, Wizard, stepping into self mastery in order to magically manifest. Wisely, and consciously manifest the Dream of Creation. The core purpose is White Mirror, the archetype of Truth, Higher Laws, order and clarity, reflections, symmetry and alignment. There is no wisdom without truth. That is why the wave of White Mirror preceded this Galactic wave, on Jan 1st (also a Sirius/Sun alignment) 2017 we entered The Age of Truth. If we believe in a myriad of lies, then we are imprisoned in a false paradigm ship of fools, cast adrift with no way of orientating ourselves. The truth will set us free, but it does so by wielding a sword to cut away the distortions and delusions. As we lose the attachments to all that we held so tightly we are hurled into the chaos that is Blue Storm, the year we are about to enter. How we navigate this storm is the tipping point of the journey. The hidden power of Blue Storm is White Wind, which also anchors the intention point of the White Wizard wave. White Wind represents Great Spirit, the breath of life, prana, the communion with the divine, communication. As we align with the truth of our spiritual nature, the spiritual nature of reality, we are awakening to the truth of reality. And the end goal of this wave, and this generational cycle we are in, is death and rebirth, the transcendence that bridges us to our multidimensional reality. White Worldbridger. With truth we attain wisdom, with wisdom we remember we are spiritual beings having a human experience. Embodying that wisdom we can 'magically' transform reality by doing less and achieving more. Because we are no longer stuck in the material realm as it has been defined, we can move mountains. Reshape our reality because we have the knowledge that everything is energy, and like any true Wizard, we know how to be energy masters within, and without.

So that's a short summary of this time, and what the cosmic potential is. This is the hidden story underneath the noise of our increasingly distracting & illogical modern world. We will never find a way out of the noise if we don't retreat from this illusory realm. To go beyond it and reconnect with our truth, so we can embody it and bring it into all our responses to what is arising in the moment. To become conscious cocreators with the creative force, instead of victims of a violent & random world in decline.

Let's reflect on the well known adage "knowledge is power" and "know thyself". Let's also consider that "power corrupts absolutely" and "to thine own self be true".

What if we had created a game, this simulation where we came in and by way of the density/vibration, we fell into separation. In that separation we disconnected, forgot who we were and All That Is. What if we were just living with nature, naturally and able receive the synchronicities that revealed messages from Source. Would we start to remember, put the puzzle pieces together? This is likely the way the ancient teachings arose, be they Taoist or Mayan. Being fully here and now is all there is, the rest is story, entertaining until they become doctrines of entrainment. The best teachings are those that empower us to rediscover our innate wisdom, our own ability to decode our reality as we experience it. What happened in the game when we started to give our power away, or were over powered / undermined? What if some of the players discovered a way to keep knowledge secret, hidden, and subvert and invert the truth and lead the many astray?

Do you see we live in a world of lies? Could you recognize the truth if it hit you in the face?

What if everything you have ever been told was a lie? Would you laugh at the cosmic joke? Or would it spin you out? You came in to this world/whirlled (I'll go into that later) not knowing anything, and instead of discovering yourself, and the landscape of your creation, you 'learnt' aka were conditioned to believe how things are. Who controls your mind, controls you. Who controls your time, also controls you.

Naturally, you would observe nature and organize yourself with her. Now we live in a world where the truth is right before our eyes but we are so entranced by the conditioning that we can no longer see. Sept relates to the number 7, and Nov relates to the number 9. The moon moves in a regular cycle, so the variance of 28 days to 31 days in a month is con-trived.

The shadow of Wizard is control. When wisdom is controlled it gives rise to the Dark Wizard. Those who have the/some knowledge and wield it as power. In this journey of White Wizard we are leveling up to see the Dark Wizard play and extract ourselves from the spell. This coming Galactic year 2024/2025 I am calling The Great Storm. It is the first year since we began this generational wave of White Wizard that we will be back in the wave and being transformed by a key point in the process.

Here's a chronology of the wave: (remember the start of the Galactic Year is 26th July, and is always in the Gateway Kin archetypes of Red Moon, White Wizard, Blue Storm & Yellow Seed).

2019/2020 - White Magnetic Wizard

2020/2021 - Blue Lunar Storm

2021/2022 - Yellow Electric Seed

2022/2023 - Red Self Existing Moon

2023/2024 - White Overtone Wizard - the year we are closing this week

2024/2025 - Blue Rhythmic Storm - the year we are beginning this Friday 26th July 2024

2025/2026 - Yellow Resonant Seed

2026/2027 - Red Galactic Moon

2027/2028 - White Solar Wizard

2028/2029 - Blue Planetary Storm

2029/2030 - Yellow Spectral Seed

2030/2031 - Red Crystal Moon

2031/2032 - White Cosmic Wizard

These are the archetypal anchors of each of the Galactic Years. The wave of White Wizard itself that we begin today in its microcosm form of 13 days, moves organically through the archetypes in their creation flow. When we pair these points on the wave with the anchor archetype we get a more nuanced story of what we are working with. By the same token we can extrapolate on ever increasing cycles and ever decreasing cycles of time, as this system harmonically fractalized just as nature and our reality has been shown to be.

The last time we had a Blue Storm year was in 2020/2021, the Blue Lunar Storm anchored with the Blue Lunar Eagle, the 2nd point on the wave of White Wizard. Eagle represents vision, the quality of seeing, rising high above the mundane world to have an overview of what was, what is and what lies ahead. It's hidden power is Worldbridger, bridging from the earth plane to the sky, seeing into the multi timelines that are vibrating in the field of all that is, and what our choice points will be. Storm represents energy, the regenerative force that is ever changing. It is the catalyst of change. It is the chaos of Uranus, revolutionizing reality. And the Lunar tone represents the challenge of polarity, with its propensity to descend into duality. And so it was. The world was challenged to see, and in the process was divided, polarized, and a painful duel between us, brothers and sisters, began. The Dark Wizard vied for allegiance, this narrative or that. But in the process, many woke up. Many saw through the game plan, a fracture set in as the blatant lies presented by the external reality were clearly seen, and a deeper truth was sought within.

At the beginning of 2020 in January I wrote about that year being a one that would forever change our reality. That by 2021 we would not recognize our world. By living with the Tzolkin for almost 20 years at that point, I was able to decode what was coming. I had been writing a book before then, to try and illuminate the way as a wayshower and Signal Kin. But in hindsight, I could see that not many could have comprehended it. But now, now we are at least unified in a way that we have never, ever been before in our collective known history. No matter what you think, you definitely experienced that 2020 was a significant year that has altered the course of our reality. There is literally no going back. And the Dark Wizard told us, this is the 'new normal', and that we will 'build back better'. This was a chance for 'The Great Reset'. No end of catchy one liners can be harvested from that year, covertly broadcasting a hidden agenda frequency into the mind control matrix influencing humanity.

Like with all magic tricks, there is a slight of hand. Tricking the mind not to see. Bread and circuses. And on it goes. But, it was such an audacious move, it really triggered the life force to awaken. The supporting glyph for White Wizard is Red Serpent, representing the life force. The 2nd chakra, the kundalini. In the fear porn arena that is the main stream tell-a -vision narrative machine is precisely targeting this life force. When in fear we are trapped in survival instinct, hyper-vigilant in the Plato's cave of reflections, unable to raise our vibration to awaken the flight of our 3rd eye Eagle vision to see out of the cave, into the real world. And the infinite possibilites available to us as multidimensional beings.

The Galactic Year 2024 is an amplification of 2020, another catalyst of regenerating reality. As Wizards we must become energy masters. To be energy masters we must be able to harness the storm and facilitate or redirect it. In 2020/2021 we were polarized, in 2024/2025 we are called into the alchemy of polarity, instead of falling into duality, we are opening up to a new level of consciousness that only emerges from unity. Unifying the field to the zero point.

This is the cosmic window of evolution we are being offered. When we are no longer entranced by the Dark Wizard drama reality tv show, and we see through it like Dorothy & crew saw through the curtain on the Wizard of Oz, we can focus our attention, our greatest resource, on centering in the storm, breathing into reconnection with Great Spirit, Truth and our multidimensional essence.

Only from there can we awaken, into the Sixth Sun consciousness and cocreate from a Divine template of Time is Art.

As always so much more to say, but for now, pay close attention to each of these 13 days, journal what happens, how the hologram of your reality is reflecting to you. See what it reveals, and if you need a guiding light to help you see deeper into the signs, so you can navigate to your highest timeline experience, reach out for a reading, and maybe go on a self mastery mentoring journey with me.

I'm here to light the way, by reconnecting you through the body temple, to your own source code.

In lak'ech a la kin 🙏

Rianna ✨


Kin 13

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