Mastery Academy Launch
Fri, Jul 12
|Location is TBD
Join me on FaceBook Live & Zoom for a FREE Introduction to the Mayan Mystic Mastery Academy, discover why the 13 Moon calendar sychronisation is a key part of our awakening higher human potential and what the coming new generation wave of 13 years means for our evolution.

Time & Location
Jul 12, 2019, 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT
Location is TBD
About the Event
Zoom & FaceBook Live on Yellow Cosmic Sun the last day of this creation cycle that began 260 days ago.
We are about to start a new 260 day creation cycle known as the Tzolkin Dreamspell 13 Moon calendar on the 13th July and 13 days later on the 26th July 2019 we will begin a whole new 13 year era. There has never been a better and more important time to slip out of the matrix of control time, the artificial timeline that disconnects us from the rhythm of the earth and the cosmos, than now.
We are about to enter the White Wizard (2019-2032) years on the planet, and that means a reawakening of our ancient spiritual intelligence. To step into self mastery - Wizardhood - we need to understand energy, creation, time and timing. We need to attune to the true & natural movement of time as it reveals the portals through which we can transform and accelerate our evolution on all levels.
This 13 moon calendar offers us a glimpse into the natural waves, yin and yang, of time, and the creative influence of each moment. When we follow this sacred calendar we can step into the divine flow, knowing where the universal energies are at, and how best to align with them to allow the best possible outcomes within and without.
At first learning this ‘new’ language of the 13 moon calendar and the Mayan Archetypes can be challenging, but as this is based on natural time, it is very organic and intuitive. Once you have followed the calendar for 260 days, you will ‘get it’ and it’s secrets will begin to unfold for you. You will learn about the 20 archetypes and the 20 waves, the 13 frequencies and your own archetypal energy and soul journey. Learning this beautiful system will also open up greater understanding of our relationships with each other, our soul missions and the evolutionary process of humanity and the planet. Knowing this, we can better show up, and be who we came to be, affecting the change we wish to see.
From my almost 20 year journey with this system, in relationship with other divinatory systems, I have come to see this 13 moon calendar as a key to our stepping into a higher consciousness. Once we connect with and decode our own story within this Sacred Calendar, we can also see the time we are in, and what we can do to shift away from creating timelines of suffering and destruction, towards timelines where we know peace, love and harmony within and without.
Join me on a 260 day journey, with 20 webinars, one for each of the 20 waves. We will attune to the current energy of the wave, and you will learn how to use the calendar day to day for yourself, and bring the magic of this system into your life more and more each time we meet.
We are at an exciting paradigm shift, and to harness these energies, we need to reconnect to natural time, putting our awareness back in resonance with the divine intelligence that is surrounding us all the time. Imagine you want to tune into a Truth Broadcasting radio station/podcast but you are hooked up to a False Broadcasting station, you will need to adjust your dial to align with the information that’s coming from Source. The calendar allows you to tune in for yourself by giving you the codes, then you record your own experience, and build you own data for assessing time, thereby reorientating yourself into a better groove in life.
Cost $333
includes a Mini Mayan Archetype Astrology Reading,
revealing your galactic signature & life path, your current glyph and grand cycle - the 13 year cycle you are in.
The first 20 people to sign up will get the discounted price of $260.
Subscribe $33 p month to get 20% discounts on all offerings and bonus content.
Join me this Friday 12th July @noon for the FREE bonus introductory session.
You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jul 12, 2019 12:00 PM Arizona
Register in advance for this meeting:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.